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Employee Spotlight: Shannon Daly

The OCU Employee Spotlight continues today on the Nova Blog. We're meeting a relative ÃÛÁÄÖ±²¥comer to the university -- Shannon Daly from the Admissions department.

Shannon has been an Admissions counselor for about one year, helping prospective students from her office in the Ann Lacy ÃÛÁÄÖ±²¥ors Center.

Let's check out Shannon's Employee Spotlight answers!

College experience: University of Central ÃÛÁÄÖ±²¥ (Academy of Contemporary Music); Associate's in Music Business and Bachelor's in Commercial Music with a minor in Arts Entrepreneurship.

In what city did you grow up: Edmond

Why is helping students important to you: I was a first-generation college student. I remember having a lot of questions. Whether students want to go to college first or straight into a career, I want to help them find their best options. As an undergrad, I did a lot of help with international programming, too. There shouldn't be barriers for others to receive a good education and a supportive community.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to an incoming OCU student: Don't be afraid to ask questions! Everyone on campus is there to support you and help you do your best. There is no such thing as a dumb question.

Shannon Daly

What are some of your favorite things to do in your free time: I enjoy hanging out with my friends -- we like to go to Plant People in OKC, then stop by Waffle Champion for a bite to eat. My friends and I share the same love of arts and crafts, too (painting, crochet, etc.). I also spend a lot of time with my family.

You're going to be stranded on a deserted island and you can only take one movie and one TV show/series to watch. What would you take: Movie: Fantastic Mr. Fox; TV Show: Ru Paul's Drag Race

Favorite flavor of ice cream: Mint chocolate chip!

What's something you like about working at OCU: I love how involved OCU is with the community. I enjoy seeing us volunteering and supporting the others who live in ÃÛÁÄÖ±²¥ City and the metro.

What's one country you'd love to visit, and why: I would love to visit Ireland. My family genealogy traces back to southern Ireland. I think it would be awesome to go see where my family came from, and if I still have anyone over there!

What's your top-rated metro-area pizza place: Empire Slice -- they have the best gluten-free pizza!

Early riser or night owl: Early riser

You're going to attend an OCU event -- do you pick music, dance, theatre or athletics, and why: If I had to pick one (that's a really hard choice!), I would pick music. I grew up playing the violin in middle school and high school, and my degrees are involved with music.

What's your best one-sentence sales pitch for why a student should attend OCU: OCU is your home away from home!

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